
DynaGroup considers the sustainability of the planet to be considered before any commercial benefit.

And this is exactly what we do.

DynaGroup considers the sustainability of the planet to be considered before any commercial benefit. And this is exactly what we do.

DynaGroup will supply your pine fencing and landscaping requirements with timber sourced from pine plantations that have PEFC certification. This certification ensures that the timber is sourced from forestry plantations that are controlled and harvested by responsible commercial organisations.

Certification of forest management compliant with the Australian Forestry Standard (AS4708) provides an independent third-party assessment of an individual forest managers performance against the sustainability requirements established through an objective, transparent and inclusive standards development process.

dynagroup sustainable fencing

Forests are critical for sustainable development

They provide a wealth of goods and services that are essential for people’s lives, livelihoods and the green economy. Maintaining and enhancing our planet’s forest resources is essential if we are to succeed in the global efforts to alleviate poverty, address water scarcity and biodiversity loss, and mitigate climate change.

Wood is a renewable resource that has many benefits for the environment. These benefits range from providing habitat for native animals to carbon sequestration. Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon so efficiently that about half the dry weight of a tree is carbon. This carbon remains locked up in the wood even when we use it for building products.

At DynaGroup, the processing of timber is highly efficient. All timber processing by-products are utilised in other industries

We constantly monitor and report our local environmental impact and are proud of our record as responsible corporate citizens.


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Where to buy? We can always be contacted

Call Us 1300 598 223